Add a Signature Image
Watch this video to learn how to add a signature image to your GiveSmart Donor CRM account. Add Signature to Email Template From the left navigation select Gifts > Send Gift Thank Yous From the dropdown at the top, click on the Edit...
Create an Email Campaign
Donor CRM has the ability to create email campaigns for marketing communications allowing you to send custom messages to segmented groups of contacts. NOTE: To send a gift thank you email, navigate to Communications > Send Gift Thank Yous in...
Communication Options
GiveSmart Donor CRM has multiple options for emailing your contacts. From gift thank you's to email marketing campaigns, we have you covered. To locate the communication options, from the left navigation select Communications . Here you will ...
How to Thank Donors
Watch this video to thank your donors with emails, physical mail, and more through the GiveSmart Donor CRM system.
NOTE : To send a Gift or Pledge Thank You, select Communications from the left navigation, as these features have moved to ...
Send Year End Letters
It's the end of the calendar year, your fiscal year, or both, and it is time to send year end thank you notes to all your supporters for the year. While you can send regular Thank You notes using the Send Gift Thank Yous as outlined here , we hav...
Error Message - "primary emails are not subscribed to mailing list." New
When creating and sending a new Email Campaign , you may receive the following error message when advancing to the Confirm & Send step. To get around this error, the workaround is to create a filter to exclude any contacts who aren't...