How do I add an In Kind Gift?

An In Kind Gift is a non-monetary gift (e.g. a physical asset vs. cash) which can be recorded in Donor CRM. 

Adding an In Kind Gift

When recording a new gift in Donor CRM, select the Payment Type for In-Kind Goods or Services. Fill in the Gift Date and Estimated Value at Time of Gift. 

Optional: Check the "Was the asset sold" box to complete the Sold Value and Sold Date fields.

In Kind Gift Reporting

To easily view In Kind Gifts moving forward, use the left navigation and select Filters > Add Filters.

Select Transactions, and build your first condition to return transactions where the Value of Gift Type Is Equal To In Kind > Save. 

To apply your filter: 

  1. Use the left navigation and select Gifts > Gift Listing.
  2. Toggle Advanced Search to reveal the Advanced Filters.
  3. Search for or select your In Kind filter.
  4. Select Apply to return all In Kind Gifts at any time. 

Note the Applied Filter, and select the Download Excel option to export the details. 

Why is my In Kind Gift missing a Date and Amount?

When an In Kind gift is entered without a Sold Value or Sold Date, there will be no Date or Amount noted in your Gift Listing. 

To rectify, select the Gift Actions on the left > Edit. 

Check the "Was the asset sold?" box and fill in a Sold Value (Gift Amount) and Sold Date (Gift Date) and Submit. 

Note: For In-Kind Donations, the Sold Date will be the Gift Date and the Sold Value will be the Gift Amount in your Gift Listing.