Create a Custom Report

Create a custom report

  1. From the left navigation, select Reports 
  2. Click +Add New
  3. Enter a unique report name and select a specific data set
  4. Customize the report by selecting a date range and adding/removing columns 
    1. Add/Remove Columns
      • Add: Locate and click on the column from the left container.  Click the right arrow to add to the report
      • Remove: Locate and click on the column from the right container.  Click the left arrow to remove from the report
    2. Adjust Column Order
      • Locate and select the column in the right container.  Use the up/down arrows to adjust the order
  5. Once complete, choose: Save, Save as New, or Download Excel

Manage custom reports

Edit saved custom reports

  1. From the left navigation, select Reports
  2. Click  ...  next to the saved custom report, and select Edit
  3. Edit the report, then choose: Save, Save as New, or Download Excel

NOTE: The Last Updated column will update to reflect the latest save/download date. 

Download saved custom reports

  1. From the left navigation, select Reports
  2. Click  ...  next to the saved custom report, and select Download Excel
  3. A notification will appear indicating the download has started. Work can continue while the file is preparing for download
  4. A notification will appear when the download is ready

NOTE: The Last Updated column will update to reflect the latest save/download date. 

Pin/unpin saved custom report

  1. From the left navigation, select Reports
  2. Click  ...  next to the saved custom report, and select Pin Report or Unpin Report
  3. A notification will appear indicating the report has been pinned or unpinned

NOTE: Pin frequently accessed reports so they always show on the main Reports page. Pinned reports are sorted by the Last Updated column, with the most recent at the top.

Delete saved custom report

  1. From the left navigation, select Reports
  2. Click  ...  next to the saved custom report, and select delete
  3. A warning message will appear to confirm the deletion
  4. Click Delete Permanently to confirm the deletion

WARNING: You cannot restore a deleted report, you will need to create and save it again

Dataset required and optional fields

Dataset required columns

Contacts Dataset

Transactions Dataset

Contacts & Transactions Dataset

First Name - Contact

First Name - Contact

First Name - Contact

Last Name - Contact

Last Name - Contact

Last Name - Contact

Record Created - Contact

Gift Date - Gift

Gift Date - Gift

Record Created - Contact

Dataset optional columns

Contacts Dataset

Transactions Dataset

Contacts & Transactions Dataset


Not Included


  • Contact Type
  • Birthdate
  • Donor ID
  • External ID
  • Facebook Profile
  • Instagram Profile
  • Linkedin Profile
  • Record Updated
  • Notes
  • Salutation
  • Suffix
  • Tags
  • Title
  • Twitter Profile

Not Included

  • Contact Type
  • Birthdate
  • Donor ID
  • External ID
  • Facebook Profile
  • Instagram Profile
  • Linkedin Profile
  • Record Updated
  • Notes
  • Salutation
  • Suffix
  • Tags
  • Title
  • Twitter Profile


Not Included


  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • Address 4
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • State Province

Not Included

  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • Address 4
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • State Province

Contact Methods

Not Included

Contact Methods

  • Cell Phone
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Home Phone
  • Website
  • Work Phone

Not Included

  • Cell Phone
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Home Phone
  • Website
  • Work Phone


Not Included


  • Activity Type
  • Completion Date
  • Due Date
  • Due Time
  • Notes
  • User ID

Not Included

  • Activity Type
  • Completion Date
  • Due Date
  • Due Time
  • Notes
  • User ID


Not Included


  • Group ID
  • Group Name
  • Group Relationship

Not Included

  • Group ID
  • Group Name
  • Group Relationship

Activities Custom Fields

Not Included

Activities Custom Fields

  • All Activity custom fields listed by their name in alpha order

Not Included

  • All Activity custom fields listed by their name in alpha order

Contact Custom Fields

Not Included

Contact Custom Fields

  • All Contact custom fields listed by their name in alpha order

Not Included

  • All Contact custom fields listed by their name in alpha order

Not Included

Gift Custom Fields

Gift Custom Fields

Not Included

  • All Gifts/Pledges custom fields listed by their name in alpha order
  • All Gifts/Pledges custom fields listed by their name in alpha order

Not Included

Gift Details

Gift Details

Not Included

  • Asset Amount
  • Asset Description
  • Asset Gift Date
  • Campaign
  • External System
  • External Transaction ID
  • Fair Market Value
  • General Ledger
  • Gift Amount
  • Gift Type
  • Notes
  • Payment Attempts Count
  • Payment Status
  • Quantity
  • Record Created
  • Record Updated
  • Solicitation Method
  • Solicitor
  • Sub Solicitation
  • Tax Deductible Amount
  • Thank You Method
  • Transaction ID
  • Tribute Name
  • Tribute Type
  • Asset Amount
  • Asset Description
  • Asset Gift Date
  • Campaign
  • External System
  • External Transaction ID
  • Fair Market Value
  • General Ledger
  • Gift Amount
  • Gift Type
  • Notes
  • Payment Attempts Count
  • Payment Status
  • Quantity
  • Record Created
  • Record Updated
  • Solicitation Method
  • Solicitor
  • Sub Solicitation
  • Tax Deductible Amount
  • Thank You Method
  • Transaction ID
  • Tribute Name
  • Tribute Type

Contact Gift Details

Not Included

Contact Gift Details

  • Average Gift Amount
  • Donor Search Rating
  • Estimated Gift Capacity
  • Most Recent Gift Date
  • Most Recent Gift Amount

Not Included

  • Average Gift Amount
  • Donor Search Rating
  • Estimated Gift Capacity
  • Most Recent Gift Date
  • Most Recent Gift Amount